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New Year’s Resolutions: 7 Ways to Save Money on Utility Bills in 2019

By Joseph Braswell, Owner

Eat healthier, get more exercise and save more money are some of the most common New Year’s resolutions. While we can’t help you eat a healthier diet or hit the gym more often, what we can do is help you save money.

“How,” you ask?  

Well, there are actually some very easy ways you can start saving on your utility bills today. As the year comes to a close, now is the perfect time to take steps to reduce both your energy and water usage.


There’s not one homeowner out there who doesn’t want to cut down on the utility bills. Here are some great ways to do just that.

  1. Turn the temperature up and run a ceiling fan. If you prefer setting the temperature at 72 degrees but can still be comfortable at 74, you’re going to save money – plain and simple. In addition to turning the temperature up, I would also recommend running a ceiling fan since moving air makes you feel cooler.
  2. Use a programmable thermostat. With a programmable thermostat, you can set the temperature a little higher while you’re not at home and have it set to cool down before you get back. This means you won’t forget to turn it up before leaving the house and, thus, have a higher energy bill.   
  3. Have regular maintenance performed on your system. A clean system is key to having an efficiently running HVAC system. When you have regular maintenance performed, it doesn’t have to run as long and uses less energy. Plus, when you have a maintenance plan like GuinGuard, you don’t have to give it a second thought. We’ll remind you when it’s time!
  4. Invest in a high-efficiency water heater. While using either electricity or gas, these high-efficiency water heaters need less fuel to heat the water, ultimately keeping more money in your pocket.  
  5. Install low-flow toilets and showerheads. These use less water than typical toilets and shower heads without losing the water pressure you need.
  6. Turn the water off when you’re brushing your teeth. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, we waste 8 gallons of water while we’re brushing our teeth each day. To put that into perspective, the average African family uses about 5 gallons of water a day, according to the African Wildlife Foundation.
  7. Wait to turn the shower on until you’re ready to get in. When it comes to saving water, it really is the little things that count. If you’re sitting there with the shower running while you’re laying your clothes out for the day, you don’t realize how much water you’re wasting.

There’s no better time than the New Year to get into some good habits, especially if they can end up saving you money on the utility bills. All it really takes is being aware of the best ways to conserve both energy and water, and you’re bound to keep countless dollars in your pocket.  


Learn More About Saving Money on Utility Bills from Guin Service in Birmingham, AL

Contact Guin Service, LLC, serving Birmingham, Hoover, and Mountain Brook, AL, for AC Repair or Replacement as well home generator installation. We’ve been in business for 60 years because we do what’s right for our customers. You can always trust us to be honest and have your best interest in mind. Just give us a call today at 205.595.4846.

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