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New Year, New Savings: Why You Should Upgrade Your Heating System

Many of us vow to manage our finances better in the new year. Whether it’s budging better, saving more for a rainy day, or trying to lower overall expenses, there’s always room for financial improvement. As you evaluate your expected wants and needs for the new year, you should consider home improvements that can lower your overall expenses.

If you install a high-efficiency heating system, you can minimize energy bill costs, experience less frequent breakdowns, add to your home value, and more! In this article, the experts at Guin Service discuss the top 5 reasons you should consider upgrading your home’s heating system and how it can save you money in the future. Keep on reading to discover how to save big in 2023.

1. Lower Your Energy Bill

While installing a new furnace can seem expensive and daunting, you’ll rack up the savings quickly. According to the Department of Energy, you can save up to $400 a year with energy-efficient heating. While every system is different, most money-saving furnaces recycle heat in a secondary heat exchanger, minimizing the heat lost and producing more heat with less fuel intake. High-efficiency systems conserve and convert heat better than their traditional counterparts, converting up to 97% of energy into heat instead of the typical 80%.

2. Enjoy Less Maintenance

After upgrading a high-efficient energy system, you’ll enjoy the bliss of a quiet, user-friendly design. Compared to past models, the new energy-saving systems are much more convenient for homeowners and often have an electric ignition instead of a potentially faulty pilot light. Likewise, if properly maintained, you may only need an annual tuneup. Say goodbye to pesky repairs and hello to stress-free heating with high-efficiency heating systems.

3. Minimize Your Carbon Footprint

If you’re interested in being more environmentally friendly, you’ll be happy to know that high-efficiency heating systems lower your carbon footprint. On average, these energy-savers use 30% less power to heat your home than traditional heating methods. Since they use less energy, you’ll consume less fuel and decrease carbon dioxide emissions. On top of that, you may be eligible for tax credits if you choose an Energy Star-accredited heating system. Going green has never been easier with modern energy-efficient systems!

4. Improve Your Comfort

There’s nothing worse than spending time in a room that’s always freezing. Luckily, with innovative heating systems, you can stay cozy no matter where you are in the house. Many new systems contain variable-speed compression, which runs for longer at a slower speed. These longer run times can heat your humble abode more consistently than your average furnace and warm up even those hard-to-reach spots.

5. Increase System Lifespan & Home Value

With fewer warming cycles, your high-efficiency heating system can last upwards of 25 years. Less starting and stopping, innovative technology, and longer heating times contribute to a system that doesn’t wear out nearly as quickly as a traditional furnace. While boosting your system’s lifespan, you can also increase your home’s overall value. Many buyers will pay top dollar for modern, energy-efficient systems. If you’re looking to sell your home now or later down the road, you’ll want a high-efficiency heating system in 2023.

Save Big with Guin Service in 2023

This New Year’s season, don’t overlook the opportunity to save on your energy bills while improving your home value and carbon footprint. At Guin Service, we understand that installing a new heating system may be overwhelming, but we’re here to help every step of the way. With years of experience, our technicians can choose a model best suited for your home for ample savings. If you’re interested in becoming more energy efficient, don’t hesitate to contact our team of experts today!

Your Trusted Heating System Experts in Birmingham, AL

At Guin Service, we specialize in heating, cooling, plumbing, air duct cleaning, generators, and more. Whether you need emergency services or want to upgrade your heating system, we’re the ones to call! Contact us today at 205-595-4846 or schedule an appointment online.

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